Unblocked Games Premium

Who’s Your Daddy


Who’s Your Daddy reinvents the concept of parenting in a gaming context with its mix of humor and chaos. This Steam game combines the classic version and its more polished, in-development remake, providing players with an amusingly unique gaming experience. The remake enhances the original’s appeal with newer items, updated character models, advanced physics, and more visually striking graphics, making the experience more vibrant and engaging.

Who’s Your Daddy: A Fun-Filled Parenting Simulation

At its heart, Who’s Your Daddy is a lighthearted multiplayer game that puts a hilarious spin on the serious business of parenting. Players step into the shoes of a father, whose sole purpose is to keep his adventurous infant son safe from household hazards. With the ability to play with seven friends in both online and local modes, the game becomes a fierce competition in wit and parenting skills. Its exaggerated physics and a household filled with over 69 hazardous items contribute to the game’s humor and unpredictability.

The game offers two distinct perspectives – the diligent dad and the mischievous baby. As the father, players engage in a frantic rush to baby-proof the home, securing dangerous items and safeguarding the child from his own curious and hazardous endeavors. Playing as the baby, however, turns the game into a mischievous adventure, as the baby employs sneaky tactics to evade the dad’s safety measures, creating hilarious scenarios.

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